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MESSIYAH The Servant And Elect Of YAHWEH

Behold MY servant YAHSHUA MESSIYAH, whom I uphold; MY elect, in whom MY soul delights; I have put MY spirit upon HIM.

Who Is YAHSHUA MESSIYAH And Where Did HE Come From?

The strength of YAHSHUA MESSIYAH's life was to do the will of the ONE that sent HIM and to finish HIS works.


YAHWEH's profound truth can only be revealed by HIS Ruwach (Spirit) through the precious hope that HE sent, YAHSHUA MESSIYAH.

Know The Only True YAHWEH, Who Has Sent YAHSHUA MESSIYAH

YAHSHUA was sent for the purpose, the will and the plan of ABBA YAHWEH to be fulfilled in earthen vessels.

YAHSHUA The SON Of YAHWEH, Sent By The Authority Of HIS ABBA

YAHSHUA was made flesh, and yet in the power of that body was represented the authority, the witness and the truth of the ONE that sent HIM, YAHWEH.

The Purpose Of YAHSHUA MESSIYAH: The High Calling Of YAHWEH 

Understand the high calling of YAHWEH, WHO MESSIYAH is, know HIS purpose, and the plan of YAHWEH that was manifested in that body.

YAHWEH's Pesach, YAHSHUA Our Passover And Unleavened Bread

Pesach, YAHWEH's Passover shows us that when YAHWEH delivered us it was the beginning of our yeshua.

YAHWEH, Power Of Truth: The Witness And Testimony of YAHSHUA

YAHWEH said I will not leave you a comfortless people, but I will send the Ruwach (Spirit) and it will witness and testify that the truth in MESSIYAH is of ME.

YAHWEH Is More Than Able To Keep Us Through HIS OWN NAME

YAHSHUA knew the Cup that HE had to drink.

YAHSHUA, The MASTER BUILDER, The Sure Foundation

Let every man take heed how he builds, for another foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is YAHSHUA.

YAHWEH's Purpose Of MESSIYAH: Offered Up To Cleanse

The eternal spirit of YAHWEH led YAHSHUA to the place that HE would be given up for the offering of us all.

The Testimony Of MESSIYAH Is That The Seal Of YAHWEH Is True

YAHWEH put a mind in the body of flesh YAHSHUA to show us that we can think and walk according to HIS commands and HIS Torah (Law) to do all things to please HIM.

YAHWEH'S Scripture Reveal The Truth That YAHWEH is Our Savior 

We have been trained by our traditions that YAHSHUA was the SAVIOUR when in fact HE was the hope and assurance of our SAVIOUR YAHWEH.

The Testimony Of MESSIYAH Brings Confidence Toward YAHWEH

As a fleshly body YAHSHUA has wrestlings and battles against hell, but HIS heart was to please the  ABBA (FATHER).

YAHWEH's Redemption Plan, The True And Faithful Witness

We need to walk in the spirit so we will not call YAHSHUA a cursed thing.

MESSIYAH's Hope Was  In The Written Word Of YAHWEH

YAHWEH has prophesized in all dispensations the mighty coming and the hope of YAHSHUA MESSIYAH.

YAHSHUA's Authoritative Power Of YAHWEH Keep My Commandments

The power of YAHWEH through YAHSHUA keeps a man from sin which separates him from YAHWEH.

YAHSHUA Loves And Declares The Truth Of ABBA YAHWEH'S NAME

YAHSHUA Loves And Declares The Truth Of  ABBA (FATHER) YAHWEH's NAME.

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YAHWEH' Sword Home  -  Contact Pastor David Roberts  -  Ph 843.658.6222
YAHWEH's Congregation, 717 Miller Road, Jefferson, South Carolina 29718, USA

May YAHWEH Barak You with Shalom