The Covenant Feast Days of YAHWEH

The Covenant Feast Of YAHWEH

Step By Step Guide to the Covenant Feats Of YAHWEH  PDF Booklet

YAHWEH's 2015 Feast Days Calendar     For print version   2009 Feast Messages

YAHWEH's Covenant Feast days are an important part of HIS covenant with HIS people.

YAHWEH's New Year

The entire Hebrew calendar was constructed upon the pattern of YAHWEH's Feasts

Pesach - Passover

For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am YAHWEH.

This feast day is a memorial not only for the children of Israel escaping the death malak (angel) passing over in Egypt, it is for us today symbolic of MESSIYAH YAHSHUA our Passover offering. 


Feast of Unleavened Bread

This feast day is a celebration to commemorate the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. 

The absence of leaven was a mark of separateness or righteousness; leaven was kept form the purity of YAHWEH's altar, and, in times of SetApart pureness, from HIS people also.

YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life - 2007 Passover Feast

Shabuoth (Pentecost)

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, 
they were all with one accord in one place. 

This feast day is the 50th day after the Passover Sabbath and celebrates the receiving of the Torah (Law) on Mt Sinai. Acts 2.  It was again memorialized as a remembrance and thankfulness for the outpouring of the Ruwach (SPIRIT) OF YAHWEH.

Yom Teruah  - The Feasts of Trumpets - Feast Of The Shofar

Speak unto the children of Yisrael, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall you have a  Shabbat, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a SetApart (Kodesh) Convocation.

This feast is a "day of sounding" that reminds us that YAHSHUA will return at the last trumpet.

Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.

 This is a most solemn day of fasting to commemorate our reconciliation unto YAHWEH. 

Sukkot  - The Feasts of Tabernacles

The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto YAHWEH.

This feast day is to commemorate the dwelling in booths while wandering in the wilderness.

The Feast of Tabernacle - Sukkot  2007 "The Seven Rauchim (Spirits) Of YAHWEH

Shemini Atzeret - The Last Great Day

This feast is the last day of Feast of Tabernacles to commemorate the going into the promised land. 

Pagan Holidays are not Yahweh's Feast Days

Now these are the Pagan Holidays that are not Yahweh's days and they are not in the Scriptures


Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement   Great Day    New Year    Passover    Up      Pentecost    Sabbath    Feast of Tabernacle Sukkot    Trumpets    Unleavened Bread  YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life   Calendar  2005 and 2006 Feasts of YAHWEH   2007 Feast Of Tabernacles Sukkot

The Feast Days of YAHWEH  Moedim Feasts Of YAHWEH   Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - Pesach  YAHWEH's Feast Days Calendar  Sukkot - The Seven Spirits Of YAHWEH  YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life - 2007 Passover  The Feasts of YAHWEH Messages  YAHWEH's Feast Days   Feast Day Videos

YAHWEH' Sword Home  -  Contact Pastor David Roberts  -  Ph 843.658.6222
YAHWEH's Congregation, 717 Miller Road, Jefferson, South Carolina 29718, USA

May YAHWEH Barak You with Shalom