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 Are You Becoming SetApart from Evil?

"It is YAHWEH's will that you become SetApart from evil (hagiasmos), that each one of you keep from doing sexual law breaking. Each one must understand how to gain mastery over their own bodies in a way that is separate from evil (hagiamo), and honourable, do not walk in an evil way seeking your own evil desires as those of the nations do, those who do not know YAHWEH!" TesloniqYah Alef (1 Thessalonians) 4:3-5.

The Greek word hagiasmos is sometimes translated SetApart Pureness (sanctification, sometimes holiness); it comes from the word hagios which is usually translated SetApart or pure. The literal meaning is separation from all that defiles or is evil; and therefore SetApart to YAHWEH. (Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words pg.307). Other forms of hagios are translated purify, hallowed, sacred, sanctuary, saint.

We are to become SetApart from evil so that our whole desire will be to obey YAHWEH's Commandments (Yochanan (John) 15:9-17). The New Covenant teaches that we are freed from the written law (Law of Moshe; Ma'aseh- Shlichim Acts 15: 1-35). We are free from the written law only if we walk in obedience to the Spirit of YAHWEH, offering ourselves as instruments of righteousness because we are not in the power of the written law, but in the power of unmerited favor (grace) RomiYah (Romans) 6.

"The written law was given for law breakers (those who disobey YAHWEH), for the unrighteous, for those who defile (do evil), for those who kill parents, for men-killers, for sexual law breakers (sinners), for perverts, for men-stealers, for liars, for those who give false witness and any other thing that opposes sound teaching according to the good news which is the honour of our Praised YAHWEH  Timtheous Alef (1 Timothy) 1:8-11.

"Therefore is the written law against the promises of YAHWEH? May it never be! If however there had been a written law given which could give us life (eternal), truly righteousness would have come by the written law. But scripture has shut up (enclosed) all things in the power of law breaking (sin) so that the promise, which is by belief and trust (faith) in YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH, will be given to those who believe. But before belief and trust (in the MESSIYAH) came, we were guarded; being shut up in the power of the written law, until belief and trust in YAHSHUA was to be revealed. So the written law was our instructor (guardian) to lead us to the MESSIYAH, so that by belief and trust (faith) we would be justified. Now that belief and trust (in the MESSIYAH) has been revealed we are no longer under a guardian, because we are all children of YAHWEH through belief and trust in the MESSIYAH YAHSHUA. Therefore all who were immersed in water in the MESSIYAH (RomiYah 6:3-11) have put on the MESSIYAH" GalutYah (Galatians) 3:21-27).

No one can truly serve YAHSHUA until they have a desire to obey YAHWEH with their whole being! YAHWEH's ten living words (Ten Commandments) were written by YAHWEH on stone tablets in the Old Covenant, but in the New Covenant they are written on the human heart by the Spirit of YAHWEH!             QorintYah Bet (2 Corinthians) 3:3. This is in fulfillment of YirmeYah (Jeremiah) 31 :31-34, and is witnessed to in Ivrim (Hebrews) 8:8-13, 10:15-39.

If we truly want to follow YAHSHUA and become SetApart from evil so that we can obey YAHWEH, then we must first execute our fallen evil nature (RomiYah 6: 1-23, GalutYah 2:8-21, 5:24-25). This is what YAHSHUA meant by denying our self, (self is the seat of authority of our evil fallen nature) and picking up our execution stake (cross) so that we will be able to follow HIM (MattithYah (Matthew) 16:24). Then we must set ourselves apart from the world; listen to YAHSHUA'S prayer to YAHWEH; "I have given them YOUR Word, and the world hated them, because they ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD! I do not request that YOU take them out of the world, but that You KEEP THEM FROM EVIL. They are not of this world, AS I (YAHSHUA) AM NOT OF THIS WORLD, set them apart from evil (hagiason) in the truth, Your (YAHWEH'S) WORD IS THE TRUTH! As You have sent ME into the world, I also send them into the world and on their behalf, I SET MYSELF APART FROM EVIL (hagiazo) so that they will also BE SetApart FROM EVIL (ehagiasmenoi) in the truth! Not only concerning these do I make requests, but also all those who believe in ME through their words, so that all (those who believe in YAHSHUA) will become one, even as YOU ABBA  (FATHER) are in ME and I am in YOU! (Yochanan (John) 17:14-22).

The world is full of evil pleasures and those who take part in this evil will not see YAHWEH's kingdom (Yochanan Alef (1John) 1 :15-17). This present world is controlled by the adversary (Satan) EphsiYah (Ephesians) 2:1-3, Yochanan (John) 12:31) and all unbelievers (those who don't believe in YAHWEH) minds are blinded by the adversary from understanding the good news of YAHSHUA  QorintYah Bet (2 Corinthians) 4:3-4).

"Therefore be obedient to YAHWEH, resist the accuser (Satan) and this one will flee from you. Come near to YAHWEH and YAHWEH will come near to you. Wash your hands you law breakers and separate from evil, (hagnisate) purify your hearts you with a divided inner being (soul). Grieve, cry out and shed many tears. Change your laughter into mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Master (YAHSHUA) and HE will lift you up" (Ya'aqob (James) 4:7-10).

We will not only be judged by our works, but by our self offering to YAHWEH, which includes being SetApart from this evil world and being obedient to YAHWEH from the depths of our inner being!

Who is truly willing to serve YAHWEH as YAHSHUA did? HE lived HIS life in TOTAL obedience to YAHWEH's will (this is what HE lived for!). If you are willing to surrender your life to YAHSHUA, then execute your fallen evil nature along with all of its evil desires and offer your self as a living offering to YAHWEH.

"Therefore I urge you brothers, through the loving kindness of YAHWEH, offer your bodies as living offerings, SetApart from evil (hagian) and well pleasing to YAHWEH, this is your reasonable act of worship. Do not be conformed any longer to this present age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you will be able to test what the desire of YAHWEH is, that which is good, well pleasing, and the complete desire of YAHWEH!" (RomiYah 12:1-2).

"Come my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of YAHWEH. Whoever loves life and desires to see many days, keep your tongue from evil; your lip from speaking lies. Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace, yes, pursue it!" The eyes of YAHWEH are on those who are righteous; YAHWEH hears their cry. But the face of YAHWEH is set against all those who do evil; their names will be erased from the earth" Tehillim (Psalms) 34: 11-17.

"Beloved (of YAHWEH) do not be surprised at the fiery ordeals which come upon you to test you, as though some strange thing were happening to you. But rejoice as you share in the sufferings of the MESSIYAH, so that you will also rejoice and be lifted up when HIS honour is revealed. If you are insulted because of the NAME of the MESSIYAH, happy are you, because the honour of the Spirit of YAHWEH rests upon you. Do not let anyone of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or a meddler in another's affairs, but if you suffer for believing in the MESSIYAH, do not be ashamed, but honour YAHWEH in this NAME! Because the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of YAHWEH and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the good news of YAHWEH? If the righteous ones are delivered with difficulty, what will become of the unrighteous and lawbreakers? Therefore those who suffer according to YAHWEH's desire (will) let them entrust their inner beings (soul) to the faithful Creator, and do what is right!"  Kepha Alef (1Peter) 4:12-19).

"I saw no tabernacle in it (New Yerusalem) because YAHWEH the ALMIGHTY and the LAMB are the tabernacle! The city needs no sun, nor moon in order that it will be lit up, because the honour and power of YAHWEH is its light and its lamp is the LAMB. The nations will walk through it light and the kings of the earth will bring their honour into it. The gates will never be shut by day and there will be no night, and the nations will bring their honour and everything of value into it. Nothing unclean (that which is not hagios) will enter into it, nor those who make objects of disgust, and who speak falsely, but only the ones whose names are written in the Book of Life of the LAMB! GilYahna (Revelation) 21 :22-27).

 By Brother Pat McCulloch


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