YAHWEH's Sword

Community For A Refuge For The Wayfaring

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The Psalms of Thanksgiving To YAHWEH

YAHWEH, THOU hast Hedged Me

I give thanks unto Thee, O YAHWEH,
for You hast put my soul in the bundle of life l
and hedged me against all the snares of corruption.

Because I clung to Thy Covenant,
fierce men sought after my life.
But they-a league of Falsehood, a congregation of Belial
they knew not that through Thee I would stand.
For You in Thy mercy dost save my life;
for by Thee are my footsteps guided.

Of Thy doing it was that they assailed me,
to the end that by Thy judgment on the wicked
Thy glory might stand revealed,
and that You mightest show forth through me
Thy power against mankind;
for by Thy mercy I have stood.

Mighty men, I said, have pitched their camp against me,
their weapons have compassed me,
their shafts have been loosed unceasing;
the flash of their spears is like fire devouring timber
and the roar of their voices like the roar of many waters.
Like a floodburst bringing ruin far and wide,
all weak things and frail
they crush in a pounding cascade

Yet, while my heart was dissolving like water,
my soul held firm to Thy covenant,
and they -their own foot was caught
in the net they had spread for me;
in the traps they had hidden for my soul themselves they fell.

'Now that my foot on level ground doth rest,
Where men foregather, I will call Thee blest'.

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Get understanding for it shall preserve you against the deceiver in the final hour we are coming to in the sixth day.

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