YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life In The Wilderness
YAHSHUA Being Our Example, We Must Walk In His Footsteps,
And Go Through What He Went Through
Contents Of Sermon Message by Deacon Horne:
The Living Bread YAHSHUA
As we have partaken of this living Bread YAHSHUA HaMessiYAH, that you also partake, or take upon yourselves, even the sufferings. By YAHSHUA receiving from ABBA YAHWEH, which gives HIM the power to overcome, so must we receive from YAHSHUA, and we will receive the same power. Everything needed in this walk of faith, is in that Bread, YAHSHUA MessiYAH. [John 6:51-66, Rom. 8:1-3 2Tim. 2:1-]
Partake and Hear
There must be a desire to hear, for only by hearing will you receive the faith, and you will be strengthen. We must intake this Word , through the RUACH, which is by hearing, and that's how we partake. Only the sheep will hear the Word of YAHWEH. [John 6:53] Unless you receive this Word, by hearing, there is no life in you. If you do not partake of HIS body, and of HIS blood, then you do not have the strength that you need to overcome.
The Leaven Of Flesh
The way you know you have leaven in you is, when the Word of YAHWEH is spoken and you rise. Whenever you find that the Word of YAHWEH is offensive, that means that you have leaven in you, and it is a dangerous time to have leaven in you, for it should have already been purged out of you seen that you have partaken of the Passover. We must learn to crucify this flesh that the inner man , the RUACH of YAHWEH, may become stronger, that we overcome, and don't desire, or walk in the ways of flesh. We must be the true wheat, for only the true wheat will YAHWEH come to gather us all together, and add the oil (the water) of the RUACH, that we may be all stirred up, and when we are put to the (heat), or the test, that we can come out, not as leaven bread, but as unleavened bread.
Nugget: We must labor for that bread at the sweat of our brows, and we must be sustained by the RUACH.
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