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YHWH Forbids Us To Offer
Offerings To Molech
On The Altar Of Shatan
YHWH forbids us not to
offer up the children to the gods of this world for their favor.
Examine these verses:
DEBARIM - DEUTERONOMY 5:18 Neither shall you commit
adultery (idolatrous worship). We do know that this
SCRIPTURE has a great indication of a man and women have a
sexual relationship outside the realm of marriage, but the
idolatrous worship is a greater .
WAYYIORA - LEVITICUS 18:21 And you shall not let any of your
offspring pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall
you defile the Name of YHWH your ABBA: I AM YHWH.
Let us get a brief understanding of who this god "Molech" is.
You can read this brief excerpt of the identity of Molech.
Molech, (or Molek) was the chief god of the Phoenicians, and
Canaanites, mentioned as the god of the Ammonites, Western
Semitic, probably known to the Yisraelites before King Solomon.
Human sacrifices were offered to him, mainly firstborn children,
the victims were slowly burned to death in the outstretched arms
of this idol, which were metal, hollow and could be heated on
the inside. Solomon erected an altar to this god on one of the
summits of Mount Olivet. (1 Kings 11:7) This idol worshipping
continued there and in Tophet until Yosiah abolished it and
defiled the altars. (2 Kings 23:30) Molech was also worshipped
in Carthage, where at one times about 200 little boys were
sacrificed in hopes of saving that city from siege. Molech was
synonymous with the Hebrew god Moloch to whom the
Israelite children were sacrificed.
The most respected "high places" of
American today is the "hospitals" and the "medical clinics"
where these atrocities are perpetrated and carried out under the
guise of "family planning", but in reality it is the "altar of
Molech". It opens the door for a great commitment to Molech,
because the sexual improper acts that YHWH forbids us are
seemingly covered by the offering to this "vile god", of these
children, that YHWH commands us not to acknowledge ANY god. That
is why in the hospitals today every kind of Baal religion
worship and prayer is offered up for those that are in this
houses of "healing and caring", that are truly experimental lads
of death".
YERMEYAH - JEREMIAH 32:35 And they built the high places of
Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause
their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to
Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my
mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Yahudah to
The Romans went to the temple
at Epidaurus to find help in treating those who
where ill with the pestilence that was sweeping
Rome in 293 B.C. The cult of Asclepios was
introduced to Rome by order of the Sibylline
books [sibyl, Greek name: prophetess]. When the
delegation went to fetch the image of the god
from Epidaurus, they returned with a snake. The legend of the serpent, in which the god himself was thought to abide (anguem in quo ipsum numen esse constabat), is said to have slipped from the image of the god and followed the Romans through the streets into their ship. When the ship was at the mouth of the Tiber, the serpent slipped overboard and the temple of the Latin Aesculapiius (asculapius [es" kyoo LAY pee uhs]) came into being on the little island where the serpent went ashore. What is the significance of the serpent in Greek and Roman medicine?The serpent is the symbol of Asculapius (Aesculapius) because it represented rejuvenation (renewal) as demonstrated by the periodic shedding of its skin. Many believed that snakes lived forever and that they helped discover health-giving medicinal herbs. According to one legend, a snake brought such herbs to Asculapius (Aesculapius) and to show his gratitude, he took on the shape of a serpent, too. The wooden staff was also designated as his symbol, because it represented his wanderings from place to place as he dispensed cures. It is at this point that disagreements have arisen. Some call the serpent and staff a caduceus and others say it is the "staff of Asclepius", and that they are not the same. ![]() ![]() An Associated Press article from about November, 1994, discussed the accuracy of using the caduceus as the symbol for medicine.According to the article, for about 100 years, doctors, journalists, and book publishers "have been using the wrong symbol for medicine." It seems that the Minnesota Medical Association wants everyone to know the error of their ways which is, that the caduceus (with two snakes entwined around a staff under a pair of wings) is the staff carried by Hermes, "the Greek god of commerce and merchants" or Mercury, "the Latin god of commerce, merchants, and thieves". The MMA Journal is quoted as saying the correct symbol for medicine is the one associated with the Greek/Latin god of medicine, Aesclepius (Aesklepius, Greek) or Aesculapius (Latin). His staff is a single snake wrapped around a crude staff without wings, as shown in the illustration on the left. Too many people lose
their health trying to become wealthy, and
then lose their wealth trying to get their
health back.
Dose this information give us a detail picture of the hospitals through out the world, with the ensign of this practice of witchcraft? These organizations are the stronghold of Aesclepius, because men highly esteem them above the healing power of YHWH.
What you will discover next will be a "SHOCK TO THE MIND"!
Here you will see the offering of children to the god "Molech".
Prepare your mind for these most "HORRIFIC EXPRESSIONS of
OFFERINGS to MOLECH" that one could ever imagine!
May YHWH causes you to fall down before HIM in the Tikvah of
YAHSHUA, that we may have this mind of this Hope in YAHSHUA. May
the wisdom of YHWH comfort us in this hour that we live.
Pastor Roberts
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