This Life Isn't Mine Anymore
be unto YAHWEH my ABBA for keeping me these 24 years of my life. Really this
life isn't mine anymore since I gave it up to YAHWEH my ABBA in 1996. I was 16
years old that day of my rebirth. GalutYah- (Galatians) 2:19- 20 says "For
I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto YAHWEH. I am
impaled (crucified) with MESSIYAH: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but MESSIYAH
liveth in me: and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of
the SON of YAHWEH, who loved me, and gave HIMSELF for me." Now that YAHWEH is my
SALVATION I can live to live again!
I've seen old friends that live their own lives in sin, shame, despair and no hope of being free to really live truly. There's only one life. That's through YAHSHUA MESSIYAH!!!
I want to also thank YAHWEH for giving me a Pastor after HIS own heart to feed me with knowledge and understanding YermeYah- (Jeremiah) 3:14), that is faithful and true to the cause of YAHWEH and MESSIYAH, by revelation of HIS Word and not just hearing but also doing. RomiYah- (Romans) 2:13 For not the hearers of the law are just before YAHWEH, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Also in Jacob (James) 1:22 it says "But be you doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
I also thank YAHWEH for revealing HIS NAME to me in the time HE did, for the purging of HIS house and the proof of the leading of HIS SPIRIT. No, HIS NAME is not Lord, God, Lord God or Jesus. Only YAHWEH and HIS SON YAHSHUA MESSIYAH, and it's the testimony of YAHSHUA MESSIYAH that stands the test of time. Why? Because HE testified not of HIMSELF, but of HIS ABBA that sent HIM. All YAHSHUA had was the Words of HIS ABBA in HIM. HE could not speak no more or less of what HIS ABBA gave HIM to say. Nor could HE do any other works except what YAHWEH the ABBA has HIM to do to and to finish them. Yochanan (John) 5:36 But I have a greater witness than that of Yochanan; for the works which the ABBA hath given ME to do, bear witness of ME that the ABBA hath sent ME". We know HE didn't come to testify of HIMSELF, but by prophets and the writing of YAH'S Word prophesied of YAH'S yeshua through YAHSHUA MESSIYAH. Yes, the works that YAHSHUA did was to further the plan, works and what was spoken by YAHWEH and HIS prophets, the TORAH and Psalms.
So, in short, I want to do the same. Obey YAH'S Word, as MESSIYAH, that YAH will be shown in this life I live. As YAHSHUA I want to do my ABBA'S will and to finish it. Yochanan 4:34 YAHSHUA saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of HIM that sent ME, and to finish HIS work.)
In my closing I want to thank YAH for my family in MESSIYAH YAHSHUA, that truly loves me, and Victory Community. I'm very content here and wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but with YAH'S people. Living here for 8 years, I've seen and learned a lot about life, work and responsibility.
One more thing, I've been married nearly 5 years to my beautiful wife, La'Quiela. YAH has kept us happy and eager to know YAHWEH! And I thank HIM for that and all things! May YAHWEH bless all that read and listen on this site.
Brother Jermaine Horne
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