The Feasts of YAHWEH 2005 & 2006
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of YAHWEH, which ye shall proclaim to be qadash convocations, even these are MY feasts.
2007 Feast Calendar YAHWEH's 2009 Feast Days YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life Feast 2007 The Celebrations of The 2007 Fall Feasts
Fredrico Stewart
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 6) Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767We are a hostile generation towards YAHWEH, any kind of instructions, because we are not a wise generation. This system of Capitalism and Democracy her tentacles controls the world. YAHWEH rose up Egypt, just like HE has raised up America which is a little over two hundreds years old. Raised in her pride, and YAHWEH has given the leadership of gad and meni, that all nations will know HIS NAME. "...But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood... for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments... For you have trusted in your wickedness:"
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 5) Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767The Spirit of Democracy and Capitalism is in Meni and Gad. YAHWEH says I will cause tribulation and they shall walk as blind men, because they know not YAHWEH. This is a generation that is so blind and that is what Democracy and Capitalism does it blinds the people with greed and this uncontrollable lust. "They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of YAHWEH: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity."
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 4)
Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767 This Capitalist system today has broken the strength of a man today. The system today is trying to unseat YAHWEH from HIS place with a system that appeases the mind of a people. This spirit today this one of Democracy and Capitalism has confused the minds of the people, it produces a prideful attitude, and nation of greed. Just like YAHWEH have two towers of strength Satan.
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 3) Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767When Nimrod this revolter against YAHWEH, he opened the door to every vile thing there was upon the face of the earth. We see it today in the children of Nimrod the children of Esau they are rebellious and they operate in the spirit of witchcraft. Satan controls the minds today, through media and television. He has set that up because these are the powers of demons that draw one unto gad and meni, because it is the power of the gods to be Democracy, and Capitalism. These are powers of deceit to seduce the minds, and the spirit of a people that leads to death and rebelliousness. YAHWEH speaks to Yisrael through the Prophet Zephaniah, warning in this hour to change.
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 2) Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767This is a generation that wants a system of Democracy and Capitalism, because they are seeking to take the seat of YAHWEH, and establish their own rule. The power of these Twin Towers has replaced the power of YAHWEH. There are no other gods more powerful as these two gods as the Twin Towers Democracy, and Capitalism. This nation is the spirit of Babylon the gate to the gods that cannot be shut. This is a nation that offers their drink offering to the god Meni, the god of fate, and fortune. Washington D.C is the highest place in this nation, place where all the kings of the world come to offer up their drink offering to the god Meni. The Towers Strength that rules in the heart of this nation.
The Towers Strength of Babylon (Part 1) Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767The Voice of the Prophet must speak unto Yisrael. Zephaniah means YAHWEH hides and protect. This is a nation that has built their own towers. Babylon is the gates to the gods. America is Babylon; she has allowed every kind of god to be accepted in this nation. We must understand the power of the Twin Towers, and that New York is the gate way to this nation. What we saw in New York, during 9/11 these Twin Towers causes all the nations to come together as one. YAHWEH said there's a sore evil in the land. The gate to the gods where opened on 9/11 in this nation. That is why YAHWEH had to separate the people during the time of the tower of Babel. Nimrod tried to open the gate to the gods, and YAHWEH scattered the people.
The Fruit of YAHWEH The Ruwach
Sukkot 2006 - The Year 5767 Scriptures tells us why we are barren fruitless. When one has the Ruwach of YAHWEH you will know it the fruit they bare. When one bears the sustaining power the fruit they gravitate to YAHWEH constantly. YAHWEH is looking for the baring of fruit, and in these Feasts of YAHWEH proves what is acceptable unto HIM. When HE come will HE find fruit?
Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashana (Bro. Alan) 09-23-06
YAHWEH's Feast of Trumpets - Sound The Alarm
We are now in the preparation time, the trumpet shall sound, so get you ready for MessiYah's return for HIS bride.
The Harvest Of FirstFruits ( bikkuwr); PentecostThe Purpose of this High Shabbat of YAHWEH is that MESSIYAH is coming for the FirstFruit of the harvest, which are those that are ready and have prepared themselves.
YAHSHUA Ha MessiYah is our Pesach Passover 04-23-05
YAHWEH's Pesach, YAHSHUA Our Passover And Unleavened BreadPesach, YAHWEH's Passover shows us that when YAHWEH delivered us it was the beginning of our yeshua.
YAHWEH's Passover, Where HE Puts HIS NAME Now And ForeverWe keep the Passover in MESSIYAH for it did not come by the traditions or the laws of man but it came by the inspired heart of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH.
Annual Sabbaths Calendar Dates
The Feast Days of YAHWEH Moedim Feasts Of YAHWEH Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - Pesach YAHWEH's Feast Days Calendar Sukkot - The Seven Spirits Of YAHWEH YAHSHUA The Bread Of Life - 2007 Passover The Feasts of YAHWEH Messages YAHWEH's Feast Days Feast Day Videos