My Faith Walk With YAHWEH
was thirty-three when I began this Emunah (Faith) walk with YAHSHUA. I had been
saved for a few years when I began to see the corruption of the religious
system. So the places I would attend would not be the mainstream whore houses.
But YAHWEH would lead me to a few saints who might fellowship in their home or
basement. Even these places were not willing to go from faith to faith. I
remember one time when YAHWEH revealed to me that HE wanted me to keep the
Sabbath, so I bought it to the Pastor of the group I was attending at that time
and he said since you believe different than we do you should move along from
here. It seemed like I never fit in anywhere. The more I would read the Word of
YAHWEH the more clearly it came as to how straight and narrow HE wanted our
lives to be. The Torah became real to me and something more than words I
believed we should obey it. Tehillim 1:2 But his delight is the law of YAHWEH;
and in his law doth he mediate day and night.
My son came to live with me when he turned sixteen and he agreed with my beliefs. We knew there were some true believers out there. I kept looking for saints to fellowship with. A man told me about a community in Tennessee so we wrote to see if we could help and they said yes. But about six months later I was asked to leave. On our way back to Michigan I saw a woman who looked Amish with long hair, dress and head covering. I approached to speak with her and she told me she was a Sabbath Keeper. She brought us to her husband and after conversations they invited us to fellowship with their family where they lived in North Carolina. My son and I went home and prayed about it. We felt YAHWEH was leading us to join that family. We packed up and moved. They lived in the country; which we were glad because we were living in the country up north.
Not only that but we were living in my camper with Kerosene lights and only using propane heat at night. When we arrived we looked for a place to stay but could not find anything. But the man remembered a house right up the road that was run down and about one hundred years old. You could not see it from the road because the trees and grass were overgrown. We got in contact with the owner and he said we could live there for free if we took care of the yard. YAHWEH blessed my hands as I found ways to work on the house for us to live simple. There was no running water and no electricity. So we used the two large porches to collect rainwater for us to bathe. I would always seek YAHWEH for help in my labor. Tehillim 90:17 and let the beauty of YAHWEH be upon us: and establish the work of our hands upon us; yea the work of our hands establish it. Eventually we had a small garden, a goat and chickens and a wood stove to keep us warm. YAHWEH placed it in my heart to live simple as I could. I tried to share this with the family that we were fellowshipping with, but their plans were to prosper and get a bigger house. So the more I tried the farther apart we became and they moved away not wanting us to follow.
Alone again we pressed on still setting the Sabbath aside for YAHWEH. He said where two or three are gathered together there I am in the midst. I encouraged myself knowing only a few will be saved. It was not long that I found a paper from a man I listened to on the radio in Michigan, R. G. Stair. He was a Sabbath keeper and believed in a lot of the things I did. I wrote to visit and began fellowshipping with him. One of my times going to help in his community I asked if there was anyone near where I lived in Vale N.C. A brother told me of a new Pastor who was in Charlotte N.C. I was glad to have a fellowship close by but the city scared me. I again prayed and YAHWEH brought back to my remembrance about the time I first moved to Vale. I picked up a hitchhiker who needed a ride to catch a bus in Charlotte. I did not want to take him all the way. So I dropped him off just outside of the city. As I rode off YAHWEH told me to go back and get him and take him all the way. When I confessed to him my fear he had the same fear, but had to go to Boston were his mother was ill. After YAHWEH reminded me of this I was ready for my new fellowship. The first time we went to services I realized it looked familiar and it was the same way I went to take the man to the bus a few years back. I knew then this was the right way. About two years after fellowshipping with Pastor Roberts he made plans for a community in the country and my heart rejoiced over this. I found true believers.
Now looking back thirty years later. I see me like the Israelites in the wilderness how HE had to take me the long way around to get to the promise land. Two things YAHWEH was trying to teach me was patience and discipline. Both of them are earned though trials and tribulations. I was seeing how many different people I had dealt with in the past and expecting them to jump at what I thought was right and thinking they were stubborn and prideful, not realizing that they had to put up with my stubborn ways and me. Sitting under Pastor Roberts I have been able to grow into a vessel he can use. When I was young and in my zeal for YAHWEH I thought I should be used as a preacher or a prophet. Now I see that when YAHWEH wanted me to live simply he was also showing that I was simple and that my calling would be simple, a handyman. I enjoy the community life and being able to help with the fixing up of the homes. Also I rejoice in learning a new simple truth of the revealing of HIS NAME. One thing I know for certain YAHWEH will use whoever and whatever HE needs to get you where He wants you to be if you are willing to be HIS.
Brother David Lee
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