My Desire Is To Keep My Eyes On FATHER YAHWEH
remember when I was 5 years old in a family of seven children. I did not
like to play like other children. I wanted to sit around old people. My
parents were strict on us, but I learned so many things from my mom. She
made us attend service, prayer, and congregation meetings, two and three
times a week. There was no staying at home. I loved my mom and now I can
appreciate everything she's done. She worked, cleaned house, worked in
our yard with flowers, read the scriptures and attended services. My mom
was my role model. When I was 14 my mom told me that I needed to be born
again. She left it at that without explaining it to me. But I was not
ready to give up that life, especially being with a dance team about 4
years. That was really the first time I had heard the word born again.
It was something that I could not understand. I read Billy Graham's book
“How To Be Born Again” when I was 16 years old. Finally I got a little
understanding from that book. I knew that there had to be a discipline
in my life. I still did not desire to be saved in my teenage years, but
still kept that uneasy feeling and doubts in my spirit. Then I told
YAHWEH that I did not want to be saved until I was 40 years old. And
I would be ready then. I was so foolish and stupid. Not thinking that I
could have been killed or gotten sick and died. Or anything could have
happened to me.
Then one Saturday morning I turned on my radio, in 1986 and I heard Pastor Roberts on the Source of Life 15 minute broadcast preaching. I never heard any man speak like that. If your heart is truly open to truth HE will come in and sup with you. The pastor began giving us a foundation. We were not keeping YAHWEH's Shabbat then, but it was soon revealed to us. He told us that we needed a prayer life. I know now myself that we would be lost without it. About 5 years later YAHWEH blessed us with our land here in Jefferson, South Carolina. Our Pastor is a pastor after YAHWEH'S own heart. I appreciate where he has brought me. It has not been easy but by everything that this man of YAHWEH has spoken I have learned so much. Even in Charlotte I went through battles in my mind. Our Pastor was always there. He is an inspiration in our lives. We have to have leaders especially in this hour, who can preach, teach, counsel, instruct, exhort, full of YAHWEH'S spirit and moving according to the spirit in all things. With that kind of a leader we can have a victorious life. At least we should anyway. True men of YAHWEH have a charge. At times it is a very difficult task for this Pastor to preach. I am referring to a genuine pastor. One who loves YAHWEH and cares for HIS people. One who does not hold back the truth.
YAHWEH has kept me not because of anything special. But because I am willing to go HIS way, we can do nothing against the truth but for truth. QorintYah- Bet (2 Corinthians) 13:8) The word keeps my heart inspired no matter who or where it comes from. It is my hope because I do not have anything else to hope in. YAHWEH wants us to rely totally on him for all things. The scripture says that nothing will he withhold from those that walk upright. (Tehillim (Psalms) 84:11) I have fallen short many times but I know that YAHWEH is able to keep me. Wherefore the scriptures say take unto you the whole armour of YAHWEH that you may be able to withstand in the evil day. EphsiYah- (Ephesians) 6:13) And having done all, to stand.
Our heavenly ABBA'S beautiful NAME was introduced to us. I received it but wondered why it was such a long time. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) 3:1 YAHWEH had said that HE was going to do a new thing. Now I know it was HIS NAME. It is a beautiful NAME and the greatest. If anything should have a name it is our creator. I appreciate what HE is doing in this hour. I have no questions to ask because YAHWEH is HIS NAME. I know lord, god and Jesus Christ are not names. Those titles have no power. Of course I thought they did then. Man has corrupted the scriptures I do know that. Before and after YAHWEH saved me people told me that Old Testament was not used any more. I listened but kept searching for the truth. YAHWEH has blessed me with understanding so that I do not have to ask why these things are said. HIS Word is true because HE is truth. The scripture speaks of perilous times. We are in that time now. My desire is to keep my eyes on ABBA YAHWEH. There is a discipline in this life. MY ABBA leads me each day. 1) To get up, 2) to go to prayer morning and night, 3). To act right, 4) to respond right, 5) to dress right, 6) to be right, 7) to pray right. I bless YAHWEH for moving in every aspect of my life and I thank HIM for intervening in everything I say. I thank HIM for conviction, reproof, correction and rebuke. I hope HE will continue to shine HIS bright light down in my soul and let it shine from my soul. I am content here in this place we are blessed here in everything.
I have heard our Pastor say he is ready to be offered, he has fought a good fight and he has kept the faith. There is laid up for him a crown of righteousness. Which the ruler the righteous judge should give him at that day and not to him only but unto all them also that love HIS appearing.
Bless you richly
Mother Fran, 63
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