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Yitschaq's Journeys With His Flocks



1. The drought obliges Yitschaq to leave the Hebron massif to seek 'water and grass' on the coastal plain of Shephelah.

2. First theophany: YAHWEH confirms to Yitschaq the promise made to his father Abraham. At Gerar, the doublet of Sarah's adventure occurs, with Rebekah as heroine.

3. Return of the clan to Beersheeba, bringing back into use the old wells dug on this route by Abraham.

4. Second theophany YAHWEH blesses Yitschaq. Yitschaq digs a well at Beersheba and there establishes his camp. From Beersheba Yacob, after his difference with his brother Esau, was to leave for Haran in Upper Mesopotamia.

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