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The Mind Of YAHWEH

To Have Life And Shalom Is Only In YAHWEH And Having HIS Mind

Content of Sermon Message Preached by Brother Dale:
  • Do you desire life and shalom?

  • The Renewing of Your Mind Day by Day Through YAHSHUA HaMessiYah

  • There Are Two Roads, Which One Are You Walking On?

  • You Must Have the Mind of YAHSHUA!

Do you desire life and shalom?

Do you desire life and shalom, if so it is only by having the mind of YAHWEH. Ask yourself this question do you love YAHWEH with all our lev (heart), mind and strength and everything within us? Shatan is attacking the mind. He knows if he can occupy the high place or seat in a man he will be able to drive him the way he wants. The question can be asked if you have given your mind, lev, and soul totally unto YAHWEH. An uncommitted mind is an opening for Shatan.

The Renewing of Your Mind Day by Day Through YAHSHUA HaMessiYah

This I say therefore, and testify in YAHWEH, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind EphsiYah (Eph.) 4:17 You must be renewed in the Ruach of your mind, by putting on the new man, which after YAHWEH is created in righteousness and Qodesh (holiness). Remember you must not give any place to Shatan. If you give him a ride he will drive.

There Are Two Roads, Which One Are You Walking On?

There are two roads in life, and you must chose which one you are going to travel on, the road of flesh or the road of YHWH'S Ruach. The choice is your! If you walk on the fleshly road, you will appease the flesh. You will worship the things created such as cars, clothes, houses and all material things. The creator YAHWEH will be forgotten. Why not worship the creator. You must be determined to press toward the mark of the high calling in YAHSHUA HaMessiYah.

You Must Have the Mind of YAHSHUA!

To have the mind of YAHSHUA is life and shalom. To be carnally (fleshly) minded is death and eternal separation from YHWH. Strive to live to be perfect and you will have the mind of YAHWEH.

2006 Messages


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