Yahweh's Sword which is The Word Of Yahweh



Hold on


I dreamed I was walking down the path of life with YAHWEH by my side. 


He looked at me and said,

“Son” in this walk you will be tried and tempted,

but you just HOLD ON


For when you reach the other side my beauty

you will find.


For when you thought you were alone

I was by your side


And when you needed someone to comfort you,
I was there

For when you were in trouble, 

I was there to help

When you needed a friend, 

I was the one to lead you on


When you fell, I picked you up

And when you were hungry I fed you

When you were without clothes, I clothed you

So “Son” you just HOLD ON


Don’t give up because I am your YAHWEH,

and you are my “Son”

I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you.

I will be there when times seem hard, 

and feel as though you can’t make it. 


I will always stand by your side

So you just HOLD ON!


by Richard

Age 17


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 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.