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The Olive Tree 
(Kennie Cagle)

YAHSHUA Is The Root, We Are The Branches
YHWH Is The Husbandman

Contents of Sermon Message:

The Meaning Of The Olive Tree

David says we should trust in YHWH forever and be like the olive tree planted in the House of YHWH in Psalms 52:8. The olive tree has been a major part in the agriculture of Yisrael for some time. It is used in Scripture frequently. David used the olive tree to like himself to. The olive tree is an evergreen tree. It's leaves never die regardless of the weather. There is always life in the olive tree. It is attractive to look at. It has an average life span of 500 years. It is tenacious and can take lots of pruning. It's leaves have healing properties that allow one to process the protein one needs to grow. It has a small hidden flower that one must look closely for. The flowers are wind pollinated as opposed to animal pollinated. Just as the wind blowing brings life to the flowers- life is brought to us through the Ruwach of YHWH. The fruit produces an oil that is used in the Tabernacle in the Menorah. This was the only light in the Tabernacle. A Menorah is a seven branched candlestick. You could not get this oil without pressing. Proper pruning is necessary for a good harvest. A wild olive tree is fruitless. It withstands pests very well.

The Fruitless Olive Tree

 YHWH is kindled to wrath with us when we neglect to produce fruit like the olive tree in Jeremiah 11:16. YHWH was preparing this tree to produce fruit by breaking off the branches because only pruned trees produce fruit. This tree represents the House of Yisrael and the House of Judah who had turned back to the sins of their forefathers and sought out other gods to worship. The House of Judah are the Jews. There is a clear distinction in the House of Judah and the House of Yisrael.

The Root

The root of the olive tree are bigger than the tree. The root draws life from the ground and feeds the tree above. YAHSHUA is the root of David. (Revelation 5:5; Revelation 22:16) YAHSHUA is our life. We must be tapped into this life system to grow. We should not think that we do not need the root because it is the root that bears the branches and not the branches that bears the root. We be humble because it is only HIS great mercy that allowed us to be grafted into the tree. We should also walk with carefulness lest we be cut off from the tree. (Romans 11:17-21)

The Grafted Branches

When the olive tree has a branch grafted in it becomes part of the natural tree. Even a wild branch that will not grow fruit on the wild tree will become part of the natural fruit bearing tree and begin to bear fruit. Although we were once wild with sin and could not bear fruit we have been grafted into the tree of YAHSHUA so that now we may produce fruit.

YAHSHUA Is The Vine, YHWH Is The Husbandman

YAHSHUA is the vine and we are the branches. YHWH will cut off every branch that does not bear fruit. Every branch that bears fruit will be pruned. We will not be able to bear fruit unless we stay in the vine that is YAHSHUA. Even as a natural branch dries up after being cut off so we will dry up if we do not produce fruit and are cut off. (John 15:1-10)

Nuggets: Although we were once wild with sin and could not bear fruit we have been grafted into the tree of YAHSHUA so that now we may produce fruit.


2006 Messages


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