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 YAHWEH Has Chosen The Spirit Of Delusion; The Television

In This Hour, We Need The Power, Of The Deliverance Of YAHWEH's Truth

See also Roman Tentacles of the Television

Contents Of Sermon Message Preached by Pastor Roberts

Hearing What YAHWEH Speaks

The hour ahead of us is going to be very devastated. The only way that we the people, the called out, of YAHWEH, will be made free, it's through the revealed Power Of Torah, and the only way, that we are going to know that, it is in the Power of YAHSHUA HAMESSIYAH. You are not going to mock YAHWEH. We are bound to the Spirit Of Darkness, because the Light Of Torah is not in us. ( Isaiah 51:7) Pernicious: is that  which opposes the established Truth Of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, when your concepts, or desires, opposes YAHWEH, then they are very pernicious,( evil). When YAHWEH speaks to us, and commands us to hear, then we better hear, and give our full undivided attention to what HE says. It is vitally important that you have the Torah written in our hearts. Those that have the Torah written in their hearts, will hear what YAHWEH speaks. (Isaiah 64:7,65:8)

The Remnant Of YAHWEH

When a man calls upon YAHWEH, then it will stir up something in him. YAHWEH is going to preserve a remnant. (Isaiah 66:1-4) YAHWEH, wants us to tremble at HIS Word. This is a generation that is defiant, and that does not tremble at YAHWEH'S  Word. YAHWEH is going to destroy this wicked world. Delusion: is one that is wantonness, or hard to be controlled, capricious,  irrational, or unpredictable, hard to be controlled. The Torah Of YAHWEH shapes our mind. When one knows the Power Of YAHWEH, then he is contented. The wicked television does not come from YAHWEH, but from Shatan. The Torah cultivates our mind, to walk, talk,  act, and to worship YAHWEH,  like YAHSHUA. (2Thessalonoians 2:5-11,Psalms 68:4, Isaiah 30:8-13)

 Nugget: YAHWEH is going to preserve a remnant


2007 Messages


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YAHWEH's Congregation, 717 Miller Road, Jefferson, South Carolina 29718, USA

May YAHWEH Barak You with Shalom