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 Sown Seeds Plowed In Iniquity

YAH Is Going To Repay A People For Their Iniquitous Ways

Contents Of Sermon Message:

Defying The Standards Of YAH

When a nation begins to sow it's own seeds, then it's going to produce what it has sown.( Job 4:7) We will not be held guiltless for our iniquitous ways. This is a forgetful generation, that forgets where YAHWEH has brought them from. When a man walks in iniquity, he is a Torah less man. When a man turns away from Torah, then HE is an enemy of YAH. (Sirach 7:3, Jer. 4:3, Col. 1:21) Anytime your mind becomes alienated against the Torah, HAMESSIYAH, the Truth of YAH, the Living Power of Torah, then you are an enemy of YAH. It is our own evil thoughts that causes us to be alienated. Perversion is when one turns away from that which is tov (good.) (Hosea 10:9, Judges 20:1-48, Is.1:4)

The Seed Of YAH

What is wickedness? Wickedness is: a criminal action against YAH, and it is a defiance against what YAH has spoken and taught to us. What  are you sowing today? Do you sow the seed ,the Living Word Of YAH in your heart? Or is it your thoughts, or imaginations, the workings of Hell, the enemy of YAH, that control you?  The Truth Of YAH reveals the dark secrets in our hearts. We need the seeds of life, and there is one seed of Truth , and that seed is YAHSHUA. When the Word Of YAH feeds you, then eat it. If you sow seeds unto YAH, then you will reap abundance.( Prov. 11:18, Ps.

Caring About YAH

(Luke 8:14) What are the thorns ?  The thorns are, the cares of this world , and the pleasures of this life. (Jer.4:4) What is the foreskin? It is the pleasures,  thorns, and riches of this life, to whereby every form of evil lusts enter in. We should care about YAH, and what pleases HIM. YAHSHUA, is our assurance, of our affairs with YAH.( Matt. 13:24) When you say that you barak YAH, that means that you say that you bow down, or prefer  HIM. It is a great delight in doing what YAHWEH has commanded us, that HE has entrusted us to do it.

Nugget: We ought to walk in the Power and the personality of YAHSHUA HAMESSIYAH


2007 Messages


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