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A Naked (Parah) Generation of Swine

We Must Be Clothed With A Garment Of Righteousness
In A Parah Generation

Contents of Sermon Message:

Parah: Lewdness Without Restraint

This generation is given over unto every power that denies YAHWEH.. Because we are carnal minded we are continuously separated from YAH. We are a generation full of deception. We love to deceive ourselves. To be Parah is to be lewd without integrity or restraint. Man today is without shame or restraint. This generation is filled with demonic powers as the man of the Gaderenes who was naked or parah. (Luke 8:26-39) There is no strength of values or integrity at all in men and women today as they go about barely clothed.

The Garment of Righteousness

We have to let YAH uncover or nakedness and clothe us with the garment of righteousness which is the Torah. YAHSHUA has given us the power of the Word of YAH to over come the wickedness of this generation and be clothed with the HIS Truth.

Nuggets: To be Parah is to be lewd without integrity or restraint.


2007 Messages


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