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The Fiery Trial Partakers
 Of MESSIYAH Suffering

There Is A Fiery Trial For The People Of YHWH

Contents of Sermon Message:

The Battle Ahead

Men today defile the truth of torah and they walk in the darkness of their own mind. The torah is the experience that man has with Almighty YHWH. When you reject torah truth you are dead. A man's strength comes from obeying the torah and Ha MESSIYAH gives life to that man. There is a battle ahead that we as the people of YHWH must prepare for. YHWH has come to make alive that which Ha MESSIYAH has testified of. The Spirit of YHWH gives man clear direction on how he must prepare himself for the battle to come. The fiery trial that is to try us, we must trust Ha MESSIYAH and not to thing that it is something strange. What YHWH has purpose for us, it is not strange. We must take comfort in the word of YHWH. Let no doubt, are unbelief should enter in the minds of  YHWH'S people. For we must draw from the strength of the torah truth. YHWH sent Ha MESSIYAH the power and the truth of the word, that we may take comfort and walk as Ha MESSIYAH. YHWH has a purpose for HIS people, a fiery trail that HE might be proven. (I Peter 4:12-13)                   

Partakers Of The Sufferings

Rejoice with exceeding joy when the fiery trail come, to know that we are the partakers of Ha MESSIYAH'S suffering. YAH is mindful of man, that HE visits man every day. Let us try YHWH to see if HE will stand in HIS truth. If the righteous man is YHWH'S son, YHWH will protect him. Let us try YHWH and see if HE will not deliver in time of trouble. YHWH'S word brings forth life and it is your own wickedness that causes death. You must destroy the lust of the flesh . For it is the wicked man that wants to proven YHWH, because his mind is remove far from YHWH. The wicked man is walking in darkness and he despises the truth of YHWH. The followers of YHWH believe the report that is written in torah and they make ready for the fiery trail which shall come, by walking in torah truth. YHWH created man that he should live and by hearing the word of YHWH man  should rejoice. The soul of the righteous is in the hand of YHWH and no evil thing shall over take them. (Jeremiah 31:33, II Corinthians 8:1-5)

 The Witness Of Truth

When the congregation saw Paul's witness was true, it gave them strength to believe and to make ready for that great trail of affliction. Whoso keeps the commandments shall fear no evil thing. If man had only believe in the beginning, Ha MESSIYAH would not have had to died. Ha MESSIYAH has come to make us free and to give us power over all sin. Now there is a will to show us how to stay before YHWH and to rejoice forever more. We ought to rejoice in the fiery trail and we must have an experience with Almighty YHWH. All Israel shall be saved. If you do not know that Ha MESSIYAH is in you, then you are in darkness and there is no truth in you. If you are walking as Ha MESSIYAH in torah, then you are a witness for YHWH. (II Corinthians 13:5, Hebrews 8:10, Daniel 3:26, 7:9, Numbers 21:6, Hebrews 10:26)


2007 Messages


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