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 America The Well Favored Whore

There Is A Spirit Of Corruption In The House Of Yisrael Today

Contents Of Sermon Message:

Do You Have The Ahavah Of YAHWEH?

America is well favored because of it's witchcraft spirit, by turning away the ears from the truth. We must know who our ABBA is. Do we truly have that true ahavah, or purpose of YAH  in us? We better get real, for the fire of YAH'S anger is going to burn. Our minds must be girded about with truth. We grope in the darkness without YAHSHUA, in the midst. (Revelations 17:1-2, Job 12:19-25, Isaiah 19:14)

True Commitment To YAHWEH

The reason why young women cannot learn to be wives, and the assembly cannot learn to be a wife, committed unto YAHWEH in YAHSHUA, is because they can't hear, and don't want anyone to teach them anything. (Job 12:25, Romans 13:12) Without the Torah, we have not the Light Of YAH in us. We must have the Fear Of YAH in us.( Leviticus 20:6-8, Revelation 22:14-15, Nahum 3:1, Leviticus 19:29,Ephesians 5:5)

Nugget: Be sure you are in the Potters' Hands, because HE is the only one who can mold you


2007 Messages


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