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A True Friendship

The Value Of The Covenant Of True Friendship

Contents Of Sermon Message:

The Value Of True Friendship

There is nothing more valuable than friendship. The reason we do not understand friendship is because we do not know what Scripture says about it. Scripture defines friendship as a covenant; an alliance; a pledge; an ordinance; and fidelity. One of the most profound friendships in Scripture was between Jonathon and David. (1 Samuel 18:1-4) The soul of Jonathon was knitted with the soul of David. 

The Friendship Of The World

Whoever fears YHWH will direct his friendship righteously. He will not give his friendship unto just anyone. (Sirach 7:17) To make friendship with the world is to make yourself an enemy to YHWH. (James 4:4) 

The Covenant Of Friendship

One who scolds a friend will break off friendship but that friendship is redeemable. (Sirach 22:20,21) Even as YHWH scolded Abraham HE was still a friend to Abraham. Husbands and wives scold each other but there is still a covenant there. The beauty of friendship is that friends are always on each others minds. Even as husbands and wives think on each other through out the day. YHWH spoke to Moshe face to face. (Exodus 33:10,11) Friends speak to each other  face to face with truth and honesty. If you cannot look someone in the eyes then you have no true friendship. True friendship causes one to be filled with compassion and caring.

The Wounds Of A Deceitful Friend And Those Of A True Friend

Friendship must be based upon trust. When there is no trust there is no friendship. When one trusts in a person as a friend and that person does something to bring devastation unto that one there is a great loss of friendship. This friendship was a false and deceitful friendship. (Psalms 41:9) The wounds of a true friend are faithful. This true friend is a faithful supporter to you. They are so faithful that they wound you with conviction when you realize how faithful they are to you. (Proverbs27:6)  A faithful friend refreshes one when he sees him. (Proverbs 25:13) Moshe was a friend of YHWH and HE visited him. It was refreshing to YHWH to see that Moshe was different than the wicked. (Numbers 12:7)

Proving Friendship

Everyone is willing to be friends with those that flatter them. (Proverbs 19:6) True friendship must be tested. Do not move too hastily to accept friendship from strangers. There are people who are friends only for their own convenience. (Sirach 6:7-10)

The Commandment

We are commanded to love one another. There is no greater love than that a man will lay down his own life for his friends. (John 15:12-14,17) YAHSHUA has lain down his life for HIS friends that have kept HIS commandments. Only those that do what YHWH commands are HIS friends.

Nuggets: There is nothing more valuable than friendship. A man without friends is like a desolate land. You can never have true friendship without the direction of Almighty YHWH.


2007 Messages


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