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YAHSHUA The Remission of Sins And The Covering

Without The Blood Of YAHSHUA Ha MessiYAH There Is No Remission Of Sin

Contents of  Sermon Message:


The love of YHWH was from the beginning. YHWH is going to deliver HIS people only. The Ruach that YHWH has sent will lead you into truth. We now have a living tabernacle which is YAHSHUA Ha MessiYAH and that is our covering. There is a restraint in YAHWEH , that you will obey the truth of the torah. YAHWEH is dealing with a heathen people. The only way that the heathen  will be saved is by the blood of YAHSHUA Ha MessiYAH. When a man sins the only way to be saved is by the blood of MessiYAH. When a man receives the power of the living word it brings power to his Ruach. We need the power of the living word which brings life. MessiYAH is the living word, which purges your conscience. Without the shedding of the blood there is no remission of sin. Now, YAHWEH has given us a living word, YAHSHUA is that living word. (Hebrews 9:1-22, Proverbs 5:22, Leviticus 4:22-35, Romans 3:25)

YAHSHUA Ha MessiYAH Is Our Covering

Ha MessiYAH is the propitiation for our sins, and HE has paid the price for all men. Without the blood there is no remission of sin. YAHWEH has given us the power over our flesh that we may walk with restraint. You must confess your sin to become clean. Ha MessiYAH is our high priest that has made an atonement for us all. If any man say that he loves YAHWEH he must obey the torah and receive Ha MessiYAH. If Ha MessiYAH has not come then man is still in his sins and the priest must still offer up an atonement for us. YAHSHUA Ha MessiYAH is our covering. Let us trust YAHWEH's word. (I John 2:1-2, Leviticus 5:1-13, Leviticus 16:15-17)


Nugget: YAHWEH has constructed a new Jerusalem for HIS people.

2006 Messages


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