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Power of Devils in the Earth to Perform Miracles

The Power of Devil's Miracles Can Not Compare To YAHSHUA's Miracle

  • The Power of devils working miracles has gone forth unto the kings of the olarn (earth).

  • This Is A Anti-Messiyah and Anti-Torah Generation That Despise YAHWEH

  • The Rise Of The Old Roman Empire Spearheaded By The Catholic Church

  • YAHWEH's Constitution Is Meant For All Men

The Power of devils working miracles has gone forth unto the kings of the olarn (earth).

The Power of devils working miracles has gone forth unto the kings of the olarn (earth) and of the whole olarn (world) to gather them to the battle of that great day of YAHWEH Almighty. YAHWEH governs everything even the power of darkness. HE allows them to go forth, that HE may identify everyone that is HIS. YAHSHUA is a miracle HIMSELF. HE was conceived by HaKadesh Ruach and was born of a virgin woman. YAHSHUA HaMessiyah is the most Profound Miracle there have been. He was in the grave three days and nights but HE got up. YAHSHUA died, and on the third Yom (day) YAHSHUA rose from the tomb with all power in the olarn (earth) and in the shamavim (heaven). There is no miracle or signs that Shatan can perform that will equal YAHSHUA'S resurrection.

This Is A Anti-Messiyah and Anti-Torah Generation That Despise YAHWEH

These are the last of the last days of this generation. This is a generation that rejects Torah truth and teachings. It looks for signs and wonders which will not lead to trust in YAHWEH. It is navigated by the powers of Shatan and not YAHWEH. Shatan uses his subtileness to seduce it. Through subtileness Shatan convinced Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. He assured them they would be as gods. Everything man does is at opposition against YAHWEH and YAHSHUA. They bear in them the Anti-Messiyah Spirit. They have forgotten the Torah and cast it behind their backs.

The Rise Of The Old Roman Empire Spearheaded By The Catholic Church

Yochanan writes in Gilyahna (Rev.) 16:14 that the Spirits of devils will rise performing miracles, signs, and wonders in this hour. They will go forth to the kings of the olarn (earth) and the whole world. These Spirits will battle against the Mitzvah, Statues, Ordinances, and the Torah of YAHWEH. They promote this Trinitarian doctrine that is carried out by the Roman Catholic Church. This beast system is bringing forth the Psuedo (false)-prophets. The rising of this power has sprung up from the Christian Religion. The Catholic Church has revived these Pantheon religions. These gods are pagan beastly things, which are dogs. YAHWEH is the one that turns the heart of the kings. The Almighty Creator has turned their hearts to pagan gods. In Gilyahna (Rev.) 13:11-13, the beast shall rise out of the olarn (earth). This Psuedo-religion spearheaded by the Catholic Church controls everything.

YAHWEH's Constitution Is Meant For All Men

YAHWEH's constitution transcends every element. HIS constitution is truth. The Torah is HIS constitution. If man would keep the Torah, the wicked one touches him not and will not come near his dwelling. If you want to acquire the great power of prosperity you must live the Torah Principles.


2006 Messages


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