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Be You SetApart As YAHWEH Is SetApart 

YAHWEH's NAME is a profound manifestation of the ABBA (FATHER). Have faith in what MESSIYAH has done, that HE is the Word of YAHWEH, and it will give us the assurance in the hope of what yeshua is. First you must understand WHO HE is and know WHO HE was to understand WHO sent HIM and the plan of yeshua given unto man.

Set Apart For One Thing

SetApart Pureness is a mindset, character and a heart that is set apart from the desires of the world. It is set apart for one thing and that is to exude the  ABBA (FATHER), to bless HIM, to worship HIM, to praise and acknowledge HIM. It is the fullness of YAHWEH's power.  


The princes of this world did not even know WHO YAHSHUA MESSIYAH was, for they would have never nailed HIM to the stake. They had no revelation nor were they enlightened to the truth of WHO HE was, because Satan had always manifested himself in the form of gods unto men.

Scripture Reveals YAHWEH's Plan

Come into YAHWEH's presence, to hear thus sayeth YAHWEH. HE will speak from the chronicles of the pages of scripture to reveal HIS purpose and plan. HE will impart into us the light of HIS truth that it may be a guiding light that directs us closer and closer to HIM. Without scripture we will not walk in the correct fashion of YAHWEH.

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2004 Messages


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