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YAHWEH's Law In Our Heart, Integrity Will Be Incorruptible

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: 

Integrity is a spirit that is incorruptible. Because we do not have true integrity we do not trust YAHWEH or one another. We do not have innocence so we do not even trust our own heart. We know that it is easily corruptible.

How Much Are Our Prayers Availing?

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Are there ulterior motives in your heart? Are you humble? Do you bow down before the ABBA (FATHER)?

Our Lives Need To Be Governed

It is necessary for our lives to be governed and that we know the ONE that governs us. As we allow YAHWEH to govern us HE will create in us a soundness, a completion that is incorruptible. YAHWEH put HIS Law in our inward parts that it may be incorruptible. That we will be able to walk in integrity in the full anointing of HIS power.




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2004 Messages


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May YAHWEH Barak You with Shalom