2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 85


85:1  Further, know that our fathers in former times and former generations had helpers, righteous prophets and kodesh men."

85:2  But we were also in our country, and they helped us when we sinned, and they intervened for us with HIM who has created us since they trusted in their works. And YAHWEH the Mighty One heard them and purged us from our sins.

85:3  But now, the righteous have been assembled, and the prophets are sleeping. Also we have left our land, and Zion has been taken away from us, and we have nothing now apart from YAHWEH the Mighty One and HIS Torah.

85:4  Therefore, if we direct and dispose our hearts, we shall receive everything which we lost again by many times.

85:5  For that which we lost was subjected to corruption, and that which we receive will not be corruptible.

85:6  We also have written to our brothers in Babylon so that I may attest to them these things also.

85:7  And these things which I have said earlier should be before your eyes always, since we are still in the ruach of the power of our liberty.

85:8  And further, YAHWEH the Most High is also long-suffering to us here and has shown to us that which comes and has not concealed from us what will happen at the end.

85:9  Therefore, before HIS judgment exacts HIS own and Truth of that which is its due, let us prepare ourselves that we may possess and not be possessed, and that we may hope and not be put to shame, and that we may rest with our fathers and not be punished with those who hate us.

85:10  For the youth of this world has passed away, and the power of creation is already exhausted, and the coming of the times is very near and has passed by.  And the pitcher is near the well, and the ship to the harbor, and the journey to the city, and life to its end.

85:11  Further, prepare yourselves so that, when you sail and ascend from the ship, you may have rest and not be condemned when you have gone away.

85:12  For behold, YAHWEH the Most High will cause all these things to come. There will not be an opportunity to repent anymore, nor a limit to the times, nor a duration of the periods, nor a change to rest," nor an opportunity to prayer, nor sending up petition, nor giving knowledge, nor giving love, nor opportunity of repentance, nor supplicating for offenses, nor prayers of the fathers, nor intercessions of the prophets, nor help of the righteous.

85:13  There is the proclamation of judgment to corruption,' regarding the way! to the fire and the path that leads to the glowing coals."

85:14  Therefore, there is one Torah by One, one world and an end for all those who exist.

85:15  Then HE will make alive those whom HE has found, and HE will purge them from sins, and at the same time HE will destroy those who are polluted with sins.

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