2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 75


75:1  And I answered and said: Who can equal YOUR tov, O YAHWEH? for it is incomprehensible.

75:2  Or who can fathom YOUR free unmerited favor and pardon which is without end?

75:3  Or who can understand YOUR intelligence?

75:4  Or who can narrate the thoughts of YOUR Ruach?

75:5  Or who of those born can hope to arrive at these things, apart from those to whom YOU are merciful and kind?

75:6  For if YOU were not merciful to men, those who are under YOUR right hand, they were not able to come to them, apart from those who are named among the famous number."

75:7  But we who exist, when we know why we have come, and then subject ourselves to YOU who brought us out of Egypt, we shall come again and remember those things which have passed away, and rejoice with regard to the things which have been.

75:8  But if we do not know now why we have come, and do not recognize the sovereignty of YOU who brought us up from Egypt, we will come again and ask for that which has now occurred, and shall be severely grieved because of that which has happened.

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