66:1 And the tenth bright waters you have seen; that is the purity of the generation of YoshiYah, the king of Yahudah, who was the only one in his time who subjected himself to YAHWEH the Mighty One with his whole heart and his whole soul.
66:2 He purified the country from the idols, sanctified all the vessels which were polluted, restored the offerings to the altar, raised the horn of the Kodesh, exalted the righteous, and honored all those who were wise with understanding. He brought the kohenim back to their ministry, and destroyed and removed the magicians, enchanters, and diviners from the land.
66:3 And he not only killed the impious who were living, but also the bones were taken from the graves of the dead and burned with fire.
66:4 And he established the Festivals and the Shabbats with their kodesh practices, and he burned the polluted with fire, and as for the lying prophets who deceived the people, also these he burned with fire. He cast the people who obeyed them, as long as they lived, into the Kidron valley, and heaped stones upon them.
66:5 And he was zealous with the zeal of YAHWEH the Mighty One with his whole soul, and he alone was strong in the Torah at that time so that he left no one un-circumcised or anyone who acted wickedly in the whole country all the days of his life.
66:6 He, then, is one who shall receive reward forever and ever and be honored with YAHWEH the Mighty One more than many in the last time.
66:7 For on his account and on account of those who are like him, the precious splendors have been created and prepared which were spoken to you earlier.
66:8 These are those bright waters which you have seen.