2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 64


64:1  And the ninth black waters you have seen; that is, the wickedness that existed in the days of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah.

64:2  For he acted very wickedly, and killed the righteous, and perverted judgment, and shed innocent blood, and violently polluted married women, and overturned altars, and abolished their offerings, and drove away the kohenim lest they minister in the sanctuary.

64:3  And he made a statue with five faces: Four of them looked into the direction of the four winds, and the fifth was on the top of the statue so as to challenge the zeal of YAHWEH the Mighty One."

64:4  And then the wrath of YAHWEH the Mighty One went out so that Zion should be uprooted as has also happened in your days.

64:5  But also the judgment went out against the two and a half tribes so that they also should be carried away into captivity as you have now seen.

64:6  And the impiety of Manasseh increased to such a degree that the splendor of YAHWEH the Most High removed itself from the sanctuary.

64:7  Therefore, Manasseh was called the impious one in that time, and finally his habitation was in the fire.

64:8  For although YAHWEH the Most High had heard his prayer, in the end when he fell into the brazen horse and the brazen horse was melted, it became to him as a sign regarding the hour (which was to come).

64:9  For he had not lived perfectly since he was not worthy, but (the sign was given to him) that he might know henceforth by whom he should be punished at the end.

64:10  For HE who is able to benefit is also able to punish.

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