62:1 And the seventh black waters you have seen; that is the perversion of the ideas of Jeroboam who planned to make two golden calves,
62:2 and all the iniquities accomplished by the kings who succeeded him,
62:3 and the curse of Jezebel, and the idolatry which Yisrael practiced at that time,
62:4 and the withholding of rain, and the famines of such a kind that the women ate the fruits of their womb,
62:5 and the time of their exile which befell the nine and a half tribes because they lived in many sins.
62:6 And Salmanassar, the king of the Assyrians, came and carried them away into captivity.
62:7 And concerning the nations much could be said: how they acted unrighteously and wickedly, and how they never proved themselves to be righteous.
62:8 These are those seventh black waters you have seen.