2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 53


The apocalypse of the clouds

53:1  And I saw a vision. And behold, a cloud was coming up from the great sea. And I was looking at it, and behold, it was entirely filled with black water and there were many colors in that water. And something like great lightning appeared at its top.

53:2  And I saw that the cloud was rapidly passing in a quick run and covering the whole earth.

53:3  And it happened after this that the cloud began to pour the water that it contained upon the earth.

53:4  And I saw that the water which descended from it was not of the same likeness.

53:5  For at first, it was very black until a certain time. And then, I saw that the water became bright, but there was not much of it. And after this, I saw black water again, and after this bright again, and black again and bright again.

53:6  This, now, happened twelve times, but the black were always more than the bright.

53:7  And it happened at the end of the cloud that, behold, it poured black water and it was much darker than all the water that had been before. And fire was mingled with it. And where that water descended, it brought about devastation and destruction.

53:8  And after this I saw how the lightning which I had seen at the top of the cloud seized it and pressed it down to the earth.

53:9  That lightning shone much more, so that it lighted the whole earth and healed the regions where the last waters had descended and where it had brought about destruction.

53:10  And it occupied the whole earth and took command of it.

53:11  And after this I saw, behold, twelve rivers came from the sea and surrounded the lightning and became subject to it.

53:12  And because of my fear I awoke.

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