2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 31


Baruch speaks to the people

31:1  And it happened after these things, that I went to the people and said to them:  Assemble to me all our elders and I shall speak words to you.

31:2  I And they all assembled in the valley of the Kidron.

31:3  And I began to speak and said to them: Hear, O Yisrael, and I shall speak to you, and you, O seed of Yacob, pay attention, and I shall teach you.

31:4  Do not forget Zion but remember the distress of Yerusalem.

31:5  For, behold, the days are coming, that all that has been will be taken away to be destroyed, and it will become as though it had not been.

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