27:1 And YAHWEH answered and said to me: That time will be divided into twelve parts, and each part has been preserved for that for which it was appointed.
27:2 In the first part: the beginning of commotions.
27:3 In the second part: the slaughtering of the great.
27:4 In the third part: the fall of many into death.
27:5 In the fourth part: the drawing of the sword.
27:6 In the fifth part: famine and the withholding of rain.
27:7 In the sixth part: earthquakes and terrors.
27:8 In the eighth part: a multitude of ghosts and the appearances of demons.
27:9 In the ninth part: the fall of fire.
27:10 In the tenth part: rape and much violence.
27:11 In the eleventh part: injustice and unchastity.
27:12 In the twelfth part: disorder and a mixture of all that has been before.
27:13 These parts of that time will be preserved and will be mixed, one with another, and they will minister to each other.
27:14 For some of these parts will withhold a part of themselves and take from others and will accomplish that which belongs to them and to others; hence, those who live on earth in those days will not understand that it is the end of times.