23:1 And I answered and said: No, YAHWEH, the Sovereign Master.
23:2 And HE answered and said to me: Why, then, are you disturbed about that which you do not know, and why are you restless about that of which you do not possess any knowledge?
23:3 For as you have not forgotten men who exist and who have passed away, I remember those who will come.
23:4 For when Adam sinned and death was decreed against those who were to be born, the multitude of those who would be born was numbered. And for that number a place was prepared where the living ones might live and where the dead might be preserved.
23:5 No creature will live again unless the number that has been appointed is completed. For MY Ruach creates the living, and the realm of death receives the dead.
23:6 And further, it is given to you to hear that which will come after these times.
23:7 For truly, MY yashuah (salvation) which comes has drawn near and is not as far away as before.